Male sexual dysfunctions and fertility: problems that can be solved

Published: 9 April 2014|Last updated: 22 July 2020|About Assisted Reproduction.|

In the case of problems in sexual relations that can affect fertility, it is important to find a solution and break with taboos

Many couples put up with problems in their sex life due to sexual dysfunctions suffered by some men without doing anything about it. When this occurs, it is best to take stock of the situation and find a solution. In the event of wanting to have a baby, it is also important to do this in order to prevent problems related to fertility.

“If a man is unable to maintain complete sexual relations for three months, he is probably suffering from a dysfunction”, says Dr. Marta Trullenque, a member of the Eugin medical team. “This doesn’t mean there is a fertility problem, but when this situation arises it is important to see the doctor in order to find the best solution”, she adds.

Impotence –difficulty in achieving and maintaining an erection during sexual intercourse- is the most common of all male sexual dysfunctions. It affects between 2 and 5 of every 10 men over the age of 40, according to several medical studies, and the problem increases with age.

There are certain habits that can favour this condition such as consuming alcohol, taking antidepressant drugs and smoking. It may also be due to an enlargement of the prostate associated with age or heart problems. On the other hand, dysfunctions may also appear in the event of suffering from emotional pressure such as stress, problems with one’s partner or episodes of depression.

Problems in ejaculating

Another common sexual dysfunction in men has to do with the moment the semen is expelled, during ejaculation. There are other less well known dysfunctions in addition to premature ejaculation that may affect fertility and give rise to problems in expelling the semen, preventing its expulsion due not ejaculating or because it is expelled in the wrong direction.

Other masculine sexual dysfunctions may develop due to a lack or excess of sexual desire, orgasms without ejaculation or discomfort during sexual intercourse caused by the shape of the penis.

What is incorrectly known as the “male menopause”

Despite what many people think, unlike women, men do not have the menopause. Over the years, the testosterone levels fall and the size of the prostate may increase, giving rise to impotence or a reduction in sexual appetite. These effects are related to age.

At all events, in the presence of any sign of male sexual dysfunction, it is advisable to see the doctor and find a solution. “It’s important to overcome prejudice and try and solve the problem”, says Dr. Trullenque. “In acute cases in which the couple is also trying to conceive, the use of assisted reproduction technology such as artificial insemination or in vitro fertilisation is a good option to achieve this”, she concludes.

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