In Vitro Fertilisation using your own eggs and your partner’s sperm, step by step

Published: 6 November 2015|Last updated: 14 September 2020|About Assisted Reproduction.|

We tell you how this laboratory technique is done, allowing your eggs to be fertilised with sperm from your partner

In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) using your own eggs and your partner’s sperm is an assisted reproduction technique carried out in the laboratory that involves fertilising the eggs retrieved from your ovaries with sperm from your partner. Once the embryo has been obtained, it will be inserted in your uterus to continue its development there.

This technique requires a prior check-up and stimulation of the ovaries. Following the administration of hormones the oocytes are retrieved and the In Vitro Fertilisation takes place. The fertilised eggs offering the most optimum conditions are selected, these are called pre-embryos, and they are then transferred to your uterus in a procedure that requires no anaesthesia.

In this infographic we explain in greater detail what is involved in the IVF process using your own eggs and your partner’s sperm.

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