“There are people who fulfill the dream of becoming parents with assistance and others who achieve it unaided. And it is inherently normal”

Published: 6 July 2015|Last updated: 23 July 2020|About Assisted Reproduction.|

Nuria and Ricard eagerly face the final stretch of a road that has not been easy. After years of unsuccessful attempts, they decided to resort to assisted reproduction to realize their project of becoming parents. They attended Eugin Clinic and, after undergoing In Vitro Fertilisation using ICSI, are now expecting their first child. We talked to Nuria in order to explain to us how she has lived (and is still living) this great experience.

What did you think knowing that you would have to undergo fertility treatment?

After nearly four years of trying, we thought we had assimilated the news that our only option was fertility treatment. When we had it confirmed to us, we realized that we hadn’t assimilated it as well as we thought. The feeling of frustration after all our efforts and the fear of a totally unknown process were mixed with the desire to get started and the thrill of knowing we had a chance of fulfilling our dream.

And how did you feel?

I felt different and unlucky, a little disoriented, because very few people in our circle had been, or were, in this situation. That’s what I thought at first. Then I discovered that there are lots of couples in the same situation.

What is the most special moment you’ve experienced throughout the process?

Undoubtedly, the positive in the blood test. But there is another thing I remember in a special way: the day my period came and I could start treatment. So many months not wanting it to come and that month I wanted it to come early! I cried a lot because it meant that we were there, that we were starting a process that would be complicated but with an amazing end. Never before had I experienced a thrill like I did that day.

How do you rate the experience at the clinic?

From the very first conversation we noticed the closeness and ease with which we were treated. It was the second clinic we visited. At the first one, we were asked to repeat the tests that we had recently done, which meant more time and money. At Eugin, when we left the first visit, we already had all the information: when, how and why we would do IVF with ICSI. I noted the care they give to their patients. That closeness, that feeling of being like part of the family is definitely what stands out most.

Have you shared the experience with your own circle? Have you felt their support?

Sharing the process with people who have not gone through it isn’t easy. It is a totally unknown world and it is still taboo. The fear of the results makes you not want to explain how it is going to avoid uncomfortable questions. You try to explain how you feel at any given time but you can see by the faces of the others that they don’t fully understand, especially in the work environment. My partner has played a key role. He has been my companion throughout, from stimulation (he used to inject me) to transfer. We have lived through it very intensely, we’re very excited. I think that during this process you only really feel supported by your partner, the clinic and the people who go through the same as you.

Have you used the internet to obtain information and seek support?

Yes. I’m in a forum for girls who are, or have been undergoing fertility treatment. It has been, and still is, essential for me. Seeing that other women feel the same is incredibly comforting. I have also searched for information, but decided not to do it anymore and any doubts I had I have asked about at the clinic.

What do you think of the information you’ve found on the net?

There is a great deal of information on assisted reproduction; you can almost be an expert! There are lots of online documentaries, cases, explanations, definitions, contradictions … It is strange that with so much information on the net, this is still an unfamiliar subject in society. I still think that everyone is unique and doubts can only be cleared up by the doctor, not the internet, so contact with the clinic is very important and necessary.

It’s still early, but have you already thought about whether you’ll explain to your baby how he or she was conceived?

Without a moment’s hesitation! Some people need private lessons to learn a language properly. There are others who just by attending classes speak it perfectly. For me it’s the same: there are people who fulfill the dream of becoming parents with assistance and others who achieve it unaided. And it is inherently normal.

What would you say to a woman in the same situation as you, just before starting treatment?

Congratulations! Because she is about to bring to an end so much time seeking her dream and will start out on a path that will take her directly to it. I would also tell her that it will be like taking a master’s degree in patience. She will have a hard time of it emotionally, but it will be the hormones that are to blame, not her. And of course, I would convey lots of enthusiasm and positivity, two absolutely necessary ingredients to make everything easier.


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